Our Services

We provide comprehensive eye exams to determine your new spectacle prescription and to assess your ocular health. Dr. Lamarche has received several comments that “This is the most thorough eye exam that I have ever had.”

Dr. Lamarche has undergone special training allowing her to prescribe ophthalmic medications. (For example, antibiotics for pink eye can be prescribed.)

We have a digital retinal camera which takes photographs of your retina (back of the eye), allowing us to detect eye disease earlier and more accurately. This test is optional but Dr. Lamarche highly recommends it for all adult patients especially seniors, diabetics and those who have an eye disease or a family history of an eye disease. She also co-manages laser refractive eye surgery.

Dr. Lamarche fits and dispense contact lenses. One major advantage of purchasing  your contact lenses here is that Dr. Lamarche will also evaluate them at no extra charge at your next eye exam. This additional 5-10 minute service includes evaluating your visual acuity with them, determining how much the contact lens prescription has changed and observing the cleanliness and fit of the contact lenses. It also includes Dr. Lamarche’s recommendations and all at no extra charge when the contacts are purchased here!