Retinal Photos and OCT Scanning

Retinal Photos and OCT Scanning

We provide retinal photos and OCT scanning (optical coherence tomography).  The camera takes photos of the back of the eyes (retina) and thus it allows Dr. Lamarche to diagnose eye diseases sooner and more accurately.

It is optional but it is especially recommended for seniors, diabetics and those who have an eye disease or family history of an eye disease. 

OCT scanning is similar to ultrasound except that it uses infrared light instead of sound waves. It allows eye professionals to take cross sections of the retina and nerve fiber layer and allows them to see each of the distinctive layers. It allows them to measure  thicknesses which assists them in detecting diseases such as glaucoma earlier and to follow its progression. It is also very useful for macular degeneration, macular holes and diabetic eye disease.                                                                                                                                                                                            

Expectations During my Visit

Eye drops may be added before to enhance the photos/scans. Retinal photos are offered at every full eye exam. OCT scanning is patient specific ie. glaucoma suspects and patients with unexpected vision loss, etc. Dr. Lamarche will walk you through each step during your visit to make sure that you are comfortable with the process and that there are no surprises.